COVID19 Guidelines for Employees in the Resource One Office
All Employees
Employees are expected to wash hands upon arrival with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Any contact with a visitor to Resource One’s office to accept a delivery necessitates that employee wash their hands or use of hand sanitizer before and after contact.
Employees are required to stay home if they are experiencing common COVID19 related symptoms such as a cough, fever, etc.
Employees are requested to alert their manager if they are informed that they have had contact with anyone suspected or confirmed of having COVID19
Employees are requested to alert their manager if they have tested positive on a COVID19 test.
Employees are required to stay home if they have been in contact with anyone suspected or confirmed of having COVID19 within 10 days.
Employees who have been tested and received a negative COVID19 test after this contact are allowed to enter the office before this period has elapsed.
Office space is cleaned weekly with disinfectant approved by CDC for use for COVID19
Observation of employees who are not adhering this policy should be discussed with that employee or communicated to COO or HR.
Employees with a disability or a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a face covering should inform the office manager that they cannot safely wear a face covering.
Fully vaccinated employees
Fully vaccinated employees as defined by the CDC who have shown their vaccination records to the Office Manager may CHOOSE not to wear a mask while at the office.
Unvaccinated employees
Unvaccinated Employees are required to always maintain at least 6 ft distance from other people in the office when feasible.
Unvaccinated Employees in the office are required to wear a mask for the duration of their visit if they are not in a closed office alone and cannot stay 6ft away from other employees.
COVID19 Guidelines for Clients visiting the Resource One Office
All Visitors
Visits to Resource One office must be pre-arranged or scheduled with the Dispatcher including but not limited to the following appointment types:
Dropping off equipment for set-up and repair
Pick-up of equipment after work performed
Visitors coming into Resource One’s office space are expected to use hand sanitizer provided at the entrance or wash their hands upon entering.
Visitors may park at Resource One’s location and call main number (503-640-5100) to arrange contactless equipment exchange from their vehicle.
Unvaccinated visitors or those unable to show proof of vaccination
Unvaccinated Visitors or those unable to show proof of vaccination are expected to come wearing a mask or wear a mask provided to them at the entrance.
Unvaccinated Visitors or those unable to show proof of vaccination are not allowed in Resource One’s office for longer than the time necessary to transfer equipment and describe work to be performed.
COVID19 Guidelines for Resource One Employees visiting Client Sites
All employees
Resource One will inform client of any potential exposure based on employee visit to client location and requests disclosure of potential exposure during visit by client as well during their onsite visit when feasible
Any additional COVID19 related restrictions required by the client during visits to their location should be communicated to Resource One ahead of onsite visit
Fully Vaccinated Employees
Vaccinated employees must inquire ahead of a site visit as to the clients’ internal policies regarding masks and/or proof of vaccination.
We expect all employees to respect the clients mask and COVID related policies. If client policies allow vaccinated visitors to forgo a mask our vaccinated employee may CHOOSE to not wear a mask.
Unvaccinated Employees
Unvaccinated employees will wear a mask during the duration of their onsite visit
Unvaccinated employees will maintain a distance of at least 6ft from other people